What are the benefits and side effects of turmeric in dogs? Can you give dogs turmeric?
Is turmeric safe for dogs?
Or… is the famous turmeric paste for dogs just part of some new-age natural voodoo movement and a big fat con?
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It seems that turmeric is the spice on everyone’s lips, especially dog owners. Turmeric paste for dogs, golden paste for dogs, sprinkling the orange spice on your dog’s dinner.
Turmeric this, turmeric that.
Every week something new.
But is this wonder spice everything it is made out to be? Are there any side effects that no one tells us dog owners about?
Yes. There are. I will get to them later in the post.
But first, let us look at the positive aspects of this orange spice.
There are lots of questions that we need to address. Stand by.
What Is Turmeric?
But, before we get into the questions about turmeric and dogs, let’s take a look at what turmeric is.
Turmeric is a spice which is yellowy-orange in colour. If you are partial to Indian and Thai foods, then you will have no doubt eaten this delicious, warming and deeply flavoured spice many times.
Being part of the ginger family, turmeric looks like an old root; it is native to the Middle East and Southeast Asia, and for hundreds of years it has been used for medicinal purposes.
Turmeric is part of the ginger family. It is a warming spice that has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries
Turmeric For Dogs? How Does That Work?
As a dog owner, you will do whatever it takes to keep your pet healthy.
Giving your girl plenty of exercise and love, and taking any precautionary measures, preferably with ingredients that are natural and will aid the quality of her life in later years.
Can I Give My Dog Turmeric?
Yes! You can. Here’s why.
Turmeric helps reduce inflammation.
Inflammation is at the core to a lot of health issues related to your dog, including arthritis, allergies, kidney disease, dental disease and cancer.
Breeds such as the Bernese Dogs who are susceptible to health problems such as hip dysplasia may benefit greatly from Turmeric and many owners of the white dog breeds that are prone to certain skin conditions have reported fantastic results.
By ingesting turmeric as part of his everyday diet, you are helping your dog to live a longer and healthier life.
Tell Me About Inflammation
We have established that turmeric is an anti-inflammatory, but what does that mean?
Mention the world inflamed and immediately your mind goes to stiff, aching joints or red swollen injuries but know that not all inflammation is bad.
Inflammation is a typical body response within your dog and is a vital part of the healing process.
If your dog is suffering from an infection, her body will naturally become inflamed to remove the old dead cells and bring in a team of fresh new immune cells to help pooch fight an infection or an injury.
Inflammation is only a concern in dogs when it gets out of hand
What Is In Turmeric And How Does That Benefit My Dog?
Turmeric contains an active ingredient called curcumin.
Curcumin has a host of special powers that will benefit your dog’s health. It is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, and an antifungal.
The super-active ingredient, curcumin, helps fight diseases in dogs like arthritis, cancer, liver disease, gastrointestinal issues, Alzheimer’s and has said to help combat diabetes in dogs.
In short, Turmeric is a super spice. This study called the spice ‘cure- cumin’, and after reading this post, I think you will see why.
You Say Turmeric Contains Antioxidants. What Does That Mean?
Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants can slow down ageing, degeneration and also increase the lifespan of your dog.
The main benefit of antioxidants is that they help to fight free radical damage.
What is Free Radical Damage & How Does This Affect My Dog?
Every Molecule has an electron. They go as a pair.
Free radicals are unpaired electrons that accumulate in cells. Molecules without a partner. Without an electron.
Free radicals are formed for a number of reasons, usually when your dog is exposed to chemicals, pesticides, pollution, toxins and processed foods.
Once free radicals (the very name makes them sound rebellious) form in cells, they start looking for an electron to pair up with – to make them complete.
Free Radicals Explained Simply. The Story Of Tim.
The free radical goes to the nearest molecule – let’s call this molecule Tim. Free radical steals the electron that Tim was paired up with, leaving Tim the molecule feeling wobbly and unstable.
Tim the sad molecule now becomes a free radical himself. Because he doesn’t want to be alone, Molecule Tim looks for another complete molecule and electron pair and repeats the behaviour by stealing an electron (so he can once again feel complete and happy).
And so the chain continues.
That – very basically – are free radicals. Thank you, Tim.
This process is called oxidative stress, and it causes damage to your dogs cells leading to many chronic diseases including cancer. Imagine all of this war taking place in your dog’s body. It eventually takes its toll.
Enter the powerful turmeric. The antioxidants in Turmeric help fight the damage caused by the free radical process, thus enabling your dog to live a longer and happier life.
How Can I Give Turmeric To My Dog?
There are lots of super easy, homemade dog treat recipes that you could add a teaspoon of turmeric powder to, but one of the easiest ways of giving turmeric to your pooch is by making a golden turmeric paste for dogs!
Including turmeric into your dog’s diet is very simple, follow these steps and make this super-powered golden paste to see your dog on the road to future health.
Golden Paste For Dogs, Everything You Need To Know.
Most of the ingredients that you will need to make a golden paste for your dog can be found in your pantry. That’s the beauty of this simple potion!
If you don’t have these ingredients in your pantry you will find them readily available at your local grocery store.
Ingredients For Golden Paste:
1/2 cup – Turmeric powder (*make sure that the turmeric powder you use is organic and is loaded with curcumin! Click here for our recommended Turmeric powder)
1 – 1 1/2 cups – Water
1 1/2 teaspoons – freshly ground black pepper
1/4 cup – Organic, cold-pressed coconut oil or olive oil (remember olive oil can be used for pooch’s ears too!)
How To Make Turmeric Paste For Dogs:
1. Mix the turmeric with the water in a pan
2. Begin with 1 cup water and add more if needed
3. Stir on low/medium heat until it forms a thick paste (approximately 7-10 minutes)
4. If the paste is too watery, simply add more turmeric powder
5. Next, add the pepper and coconut oil to the paste and stir in very well
6. Allow the paste to cool. The mixture can be put in a jar (one with a lid) and should live in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks
You are now ready to add the golden paste directly into your dog’s meal!
Why Add Oil To Golden Paste?
Because turmeric is not easy for your dog to digest you can’t just sprinkle the powder on top of pooches food.
Instead, you must combine the spice with a healthy oil such as coconut oil or olive oil and pour the mixture onto your dog’s meal.
Why Add Pepper To Golden Paste?
Studies have shown that peperine – a phytochemical in black pepper – helps to increase the absorption of curcumin by up to 1500%, so it is important to add pepper.
Making a golden paste for dogs is easy and cheap.
Tumeric Paste For Dogs. How Much Should I Give?
This will depend on the size and breed of your dog.
Although it may be very tempting to load your dog’s dinner up with Golden Paste, remember that as with anything, moderation is the key! Below is a rough guide of what amounts you should start with when giving turmeric to your dog:
- Small dogs – 1/4 teaspoon per day
- Medium dogs – 1/2 teaspoon per day
- Large dogs – 3/4 teaspoon per day
- Giant dogs – 1 teaspoon per day
The Side Effects And Downside To Giving Dogs Turmeric
Turmeric is a natural substance and is generally regarded as being safe; however, just because something is natural doesn’t mean it can’t have side effects.
Like anything else, if something is touted as being ‘perfect’ there are always flaws. Not bad ones but ones to be aware of all the same.
Here are a few cautions to air when dishing out the Turmeric to your dog.
- Turmeric is a blood thinner reducing the chance of a stroke or a heart attack. If your dog is on thinning blood medication, this could be a problem.
- Turmeric is a binding agent. Perfect for dogs with diarrhoea but not so much if your dog suffers from constipation. Giving Turmeric to a dog that suffers from hard stools could be problematic. As a side note – if your dog does suffer from constipation (or diarrhoea) adding a tablespoon of tinned pumpkin to his meal has said to help enormously.
- Turmeric is a warming spice. If your dog is of a breed that doesn’t cope well in high temperatures and shows signs of overheating (panting and looking for shade to cool down), then turmeric may not be suitable for him. Use a sleep tracking devise to see if he is restless at night, this way you will know if the turmeric is bothering him.
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Frequently Asked Questions About Turmeric And Dogs
Below are some of the most FAQ that we hear around giving turmeric to our dogs.
Can turmeric help dogs with cancer?
Studies are yet to prove that turmeric helps fight cancer. However, there are many dog owners with dogs that have cancer and after adding turmeric to their diet have seen drastic improvements.
Will Tumeric give dogs diarrhea?
Turmeric is a binding agent as therefore helps to treat some cases of diarrhea, however, if your dog suffers from liver issues turmeric may aggravate her bowel. As with any change to your dog’s diet, peak to your vet before proceeding.
In Conclusion
As a dog owner, you will know that your dog’s health is the number one priority. By seeking out natural supplements that will help your dog live a longer and healthier life is your responsibility to your pooch. He will love you for it. Turmeric powder for dogs ticks a lot of boxes.
It is cheap and readily available (buy from any supermarket) and can only serve your dog well. As with any other medication, administer Tumeric with common sense and watch your dog thrive!
So, after a very thorough study, we can safely say that this turmeric golden paste is not in any way a con! Quite the opposite!
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This is a very detailed article on Tumeric for dogs. I think I will make the Tumeric paste for both my dog, Henry, and myself. I’m interested in monitoring our reactions. We may both sleep better.
I’m sharing this with my dog friends! 😊💖🐶
Thank you Terri!