If dogs could talk they’d say ‘I’m bored’ a couple of times a day. But they can’t. So instead they chew the furniture and misbehave and make us pet parents cross. That’s why mental stimulation for dogs is essential. Keeping a...
Let’s face it. Buying treats for your dog to eat isn’t cheap. Not if you want to keep your pooch as healthy as possible. That’s why you will love these fantastic dog treat recipes that you can make straight from your larder and will cost you no...
It is inevitable that at some point in your dog’s life you will experience fleas. And getting rid of these annoying parasites known as fleas, that bite and irritate your dog (and then make themselves at home in your carpet and soft furnishings) will become...
If you’ve ever walked into your home after being outside for a few hours only to be met by the whiff of a familiar stink, then you probably need to know a few tips on how to get rid of dog smell. This post contains affiliate links. They cost you...
If someone had told me when I bought my dog that for two months a year my house would resemble the inside of a sheep pen I may have investigated the option of looking for big dogs that don’t shed. But I didn’t so hey ho…cleaning it is....
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